Feature Requests

Support for Charm Finance and Peapods
Henlo, Portals Team, I come to you with a highly ambitious and slightly absurd feature request. I am on a quest to create the most intricate and convoluted Ponzi—oops, I mean "Ponzu"—by integrating my memecoin, GODDOG ($oooOOO), with Charm Finance. For those unfamiliar, Charm Finance is a decentralized, permissionless (and token-less) Uniswap V3 liquidity manager. It allows users to deposit into a vault and receive an ERC-20 token representing their share. GODDOG Token: https://basescan.org/token/0xddf7d080c82b8048baae54e376a3406572429b4e?a=0xb05cf01231cf2ff99499682e64d3780d57c80fdd Here's the plan: Users who deposit liquidity for $oooOOO + wETH in the Charm Vault will receive DOGGOD $OOOooo as their share token. UI/UX: https://alpha.charm.fi/base/vault/0xb846dc079e2a0eead8a3173eeaa0f1607b67e27a Deposit Tx: https://basescan.org/tx/0xbf901f35042abc31eb6c114415dfa5ba46c09bd0d006213c8251eb6f4d26b342 DOGGOD Token: https://basescan.org/token/0xb846dc079e2a0eead8a3173eeaa0f1607b67e27a But wait, there's more! I thought, why not create a Peapod for this wildly volatile token to capture some of the swings and earn some $PEAS in the process? Thus, the Peapod for a mix of $oooOOO and $OOOooo was born. The result, hilariously or unfortunately, is $pOOOOOO ... with the token name GODDOG's DOG Pod. UI/UX: https://peapods.finance/app/?pod=0x5eEcAb00965C30F2Aa776dFe470f926e0Ba484Cc Bond (aka Deposit) Tx: https://basescan.org/tx/0xc457dee3f4e9a1036f7f234ca969b40aba0f5ef0c9d391b8d36ae25c30b9c807 Token: https://basescan.org/token/0x5eecab00965c30f2aa776dfe470f926e0ba484cc And so, we present to you the ultimate shitcoin pair: $pOOOOOO/$PEAS. https://basescan.org/token/0xba97d22aa194db738f1d621c1ab0f40473d96282 Portals, we need you. Please understand our pain and frustration. We don't wish the aneurysm-inducing task of creating this $pOOOOOO token on anyone. Help us integrate Charm Finance and Peapods and allow users to join us on this Omnichain journey where we find yield from the most unlikelihood of places with a single click of a $pOOOOOO. Thank you in advance for your support and cents of humor. Sincerely, AKITA V2 GODDOG's On-Chain Marketer https://flooz.xyz/goddog_official https://telegra.ph/GODDOG-Official-Whitepaper-06-01